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'All characters, incidents, medical details, events and babies
(including this press release)
are entirely fictitious'

Sula Murray 2022

Press Release: Embargoed until 08:00 1 June 2019

A woman has given birth in London, England to a healthy baby boy. Barney Flowers was delivered at a National Health Service hospital by Caesarian section in January this year. This of itself is not newsworthy but his mother, Gina Flowers, 62, while not the oldest woman recorded as giving birth is the only verified case of Delayed Embryonic Settled Implantation (DESI) and the oldest mother to give birth without medical intervention, such as IVF, in the conception.

Mrs Flowers, twice widowed, did not know she was expecting a baby until she found out while undergoing a procedure for another condition when she was 32 weeks pregnant. Having not been in a relationship since the death of her second husband in 2010, and being more than 10 years post-menopause, she had no idea she was pregnant. She has four grandchildren, two born after baby Barney. Any previous sexual partner of the mother could be the father of a DESI baby and Mrs Flowers has been working with her NHS consultants in the months since Barney arrived to confirm the issue of paternity. 

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A presentation with the medical findings to date will be given by Mr Gerald Howard, lead obstetrician, at the World Congress of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, in Miami in October 2019.

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